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My afternoon adventure with the larger-than-life Paul Sorvino

Jeffrey Hornstein

Some years ago...

...I had the opportunity to go to Scranton, Pennsylvania to photograph legendary Actor Paul Sorvino as part of an ongoing 'coffee table book' project featuring famed and notable folks in the world of the performing arts and culture.


I was originally hired by Amanda, one of Paul's great children, to document her incredible job saving horses from slaughterhouses, and while I was down there, I asked if I could photography Paul as well. Thankfully, he agreed to participate in my project, and we scheduled a photo shoot and an interview. Paul is most known for his famous part as "Pauly" in the smash mob film Goodfellas, although he has had a long and illustrious film and television career. He's also a fantastic opera vocalist and sculptor.

It was a gorgeous day with perfect weather and temperature. Paul is no exception to the rule that celebrities must march to the beat of their own drum. He had a pet wolf and an assertive German Shepherd in addition to horses. When I got out of the SUV, the shepherd circled me and gently put his teeth on my wrist as if to say “I’m checking you out buddy so you best behave!”

Paul has arrived, and he is a LARGE AND INTIMIDATING figure. When he noticed how the Shepherd was treating me, he announced in his inimitable voice (not unlike Pauly). "I see you have a thing for animals, don't you?" You're a nice guy! Last week, he placed a Fedex employee in the hospital!" The wolf merely stood there, warily watching!

He provided me with some fantastic photographs as well as a fantastic interview. Paul is the town's honorary sheriff, and he takes his role very seriously! He came out of his house with a rifle one night, certain he had heard something, and yelled, "Who goes there? Make a statement!"

The highlight, though, was when he drove me back to Manhattan in his Dodge Ram and sang to me in Yiddish!! An all-around incredible, multi-talented gentleman with incredible heart and a great family!


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